Incisive Landing Page to capture results on the fly

Modern Internet users today have gained more browsing experience and a certain familiarity with web pages. This has led to them developing some resistance in taking impulsive actions.

Before making a purchase, often, they visit similar sites, look at forms, compare prices, revisit your page several times before making the conversion even if the product is of interest to them.

The effectiveness of your offer is greater if the customer does not leave your page.

A good Landing Page is one that, by capturing the attention of visitors, turns visits into sales. The aspect of Conversion is frequently underestimated, exclusively emphasizing the generation of traffic to the page by investing in channels that only serve to increase visits (Social, Ads, Advertising, Email Marketing ...). It is important that you receive traffic to your page, but almost ineffective if you leave out the principle of Web Marketing:  "Transform your Users into Customers", because you will only have a myriad of visitors who do not lead to the desired result.

An analysis carried out by E-consultancy shows that every $ 92 spent on bringing visitors, $ 1 is spent on converting them.

First you have to start thinking as if you were indebted to the user who clicked and entered your page, that is, you have to prepare yourself with gratitude towards your visitor because, having entered, he has shown you confidence.

It is also important to capture the user's attention and curiosity in the first few seconds , otherwise the user will quickly click on the "Go back" button of his browser and continue his search on Google generating conversions with other competitors.

Once you have reached the correct state of approach, I propose the 4 steps to follow to structure your Landing Page:

  1. Understand the problem of users

After a case study, try to select your target, understand who they are, what they want, how they communicate, the (non) technical lexicon they use, understand their need or desire and what they expect from you.

  1. Undertake the correct Marketing campaign

Create targeted ads, for example Google Adwords, Facebook, to select and capture ONLY people interested in your offer.

  1. Satisfy the specific need with the right answer

With your Landing Page you offer the right solution to the specific problem for those users you selected in the first point. The Landing Page cannot satisfy everyone, after having analyzed a customer base select the largest slice of these, which you will be able to satisfy at best. If you have an audience of 100 people, 60 of whom have an interest in your offer, you will work on that, because it will affect the majority of your audience.

  1. Get attention and start selling

The last phase is an automatic consequence of the previous ones, with a few right attentions you will not have problems in completing it.

Once you have analyzed the previous phases, you will then divide your Landing Page design into two areas:

 - Vehicle area

In this section the user arrives on your page perhaps from the search engine or from a Facebook ad and the first question that arises is:  "This page interests me?" By solving your problem immediately  you will get the right attention to continue browsing. It can generate a lot of interest , at this point, insert a summary video of your service / product that easily and concisely explains your offer. Once interest is generated, we proceed with the second area of ​​the Landing Page.

 - Conversion area

The next question from the user will be:  "Why should I choose them?" or "How do I know I'm not wrong in relying on them?" .

The key part in this area is building trust  in you. The most effective system is to insert references , perhaps from several people, with consistency and quality.

The last question you need to answer is "Why do I have to do it now?". The correct answer is to increase the desire  for your proposal, eliminating or drastically decreasing the choice options that, statistically, generate greater confusion in the user (if in the supermarket there are 30 different types of toothpaste you have difficulty in choosing, because the mind tends not to focus on the preferred option, but thinks about all the other options it is giving up on).

By applying the principle of scarcity , you will induce the user to buy  urgently . The proposal must have a short expiry date and / or for a limited number of pieces.

Example: if you book now to have it in 1 month you will receive a 15% discount, or 15% discount that expires in 5 hours.

Undoubtedly the best method is the use of a cookie that as soon as you turn it back on, it reminds you of the page visited and tells you that if you take it within 2 hours you will receive the discount.

In general, the offer must be credible and not necessarily based on the price.

Example: if you buy now I will give you this other thing in combination.

The last stage of your Landing Page is  user submitting . If the previous parts have been carried out correctly, this will be the simplest as it will be enough to insert the right and easily visible elements (forms, contacts, buttons, check boxes ...).

After you have obtained the desired result, the next action beyond the Landing Page, but always linked to it, will be the satisfaction that your customer has found in your offer. You will therefore have to invite him to leave feedback that will enhance your reputation, which is important for increasing confidence in you.